Electro-Galvanised Steel Coils Manufacturer

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Деловое Описание

We would like to take this opportunity to briefly introduce our company the POSCO-MALAYSIA Sdn. Bhd. as one of the leading Electro-Galvanised Steel Coil Manufacturer in Malaysia.

At POSCO-MALAYSIA, state of the art techniques are employed in the processing and synthesis of high performance materials. POSCO-MALAYSIA has a full-fledged technical team compromising Malaysians who have been specially trained and EGI specialists from Korea. This dedicated team, combined with POSCO-MALAYSIA's
advanced technology ensures quality, consistency and innovative products for the long term.

The two major methods of galvanizing are ‘hot-dip galvanising’ and ‘electrogalvanising’. Electrogalvanising has an advantage over Hot-dip galvanising due to its consistency of coating and improved conductivity, formability, weld ability and print-ability.
For many high-quality-finish applications of highly formed and shaped products, EGI is the most suitable and recognized as the best surface quality of all the galvanized products. Typical applications include, computer chassis, air conditioning units, door frames, high quality finish fascia panels and others. The qualities of our products are equivalent to those imported from Korea and Japan.

You are welcome to visit to our company's website Войдите/Обновите Подписку, чтобы посмотреть контактные данные этого бизнеса. for our company and products' details. Please do not hesitate to contact us should you have any inquiry for our products. Thank you.

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