Деловое Описание

We are the sister Company of SING YUAN METAL CO., LTD in China, the company focused on main land China. It has the serious demand for the local community development. China is the most popular market place for whoever wants to do business there. We are concentrating on the market popularity about stainless steel. We has its other separate branch located in Foshan City Guangdong, where the largest market in China is. The growth rate of China is extremely hig
her than any other country around the world. This is why a lot of large manufacturers move their factories into main land China. This market place is highly recommended for all the heavy industries. Because the labour power and market power is the largest in the world, this is the main attraction for many enterprises and co/operations.
China is a much closed internal market place. When other countries such as Taiwan, Japan, Korea or Europe are changing their market price, this has very low effect on the Chinese market price, because they are a unique market and interact on their own pricing valuation. It doesn’t follow the stream of the international market price. SING YUAN is targeting the nickel supply more than nickel demand. China relies on other large suppliers such as Taiwan, Japan, Korea, Europe and US. In China there is always an uneven supply and demand for heavy metals. That is the main reason we should be concerned about this market place. We have a lot of agencies and partners around the local areas, to contribute their information and storage.

No. 2, Dali Yayao Shanhen Village,
Foshan City
Gong Dong,
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