Inquiry for Galvanized Mild Steel Strips (cold Rol

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L/C, T/T

Деловое Описание

Naser St. Beside Karnak Hotel , Damascus, Syria Tel:+96311-2212013 Fax: 00963-11-2212013 P. O. Box 5405 E-mail: Войдите/Обновите Подписку, чтобы посмотреть контактные данные этого бизнеса.
Dear Sirs
We are looking for an esteemed factory to provide us with galvanized mild steel strips in accordance with the following specifications:
1 - Scope
This specification covers the requirements of galvanized steel tape used in armoring of power and telecommunication cable.
2 - Qu
ality Requirement
The tape shall be mild steel cold rolled – strips free from defect such as depression, elevation, binds, kinks, etc… and not have any sharp edges.
It should meet the requirements as per IS 3975
The zing coating shall be bright and free from zing knots.
The purity of zing used shall be not less than 99%
3 - Material:
Type: ST , folding quality
Finish: unkilled, soft annealed, shear cut edges.
Surface: bright, metallically pure surface.
All steel strips shall be confirmed to DIN 1624 and meet the requirement as specified in table given below:
Sr. No Parameter Requirement
1 Appearance : free from rust bar patches
2 Tensile Strength 32-46kg/mm2
3 Minimum elongation 28%
4 Uniformity of coating shall withstand 2 dips
5 Winding No sing of cracks
4 - Packing and quantity
Width of tape mm 15 20 25 35 40
Thickness mm 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20
Quantity Ton 20 20 20 50 100
Inner Dia. of roll mm 200 200 200 200 200
Outside Dia. of roll mm 500 Max. 500 Max. 500 Max. 500 Max. 500 Max.
The mild steel strips shall be one unwelded length of mild steel cold rolled strips.
Wound on the specified metal core and packed as to be protected from contamination & damages during transportation and storage.
The rolls shall be packed together and wrapped with suitable water proof during transportation and put in wooden boxes approx. 1000 kg.
Each wooden box has a metal tag giving:
a) width and thickness of strip.
b) Net weight of the coils.
c) Serial number of the packing.

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