Scrap World Trade (Consulting) Ltd.

Деловое Описание

Scrap World Trade Ltd (Contracting) is a name that has been associated with scrap metal for a while. Since our early beginnings we have gained an enviable reputation in the industry for providing a reliable service with both integrity and value.
Our seven acre site in Hoddesdon, Hertfordshire and Warwick, Warwickshire has seen many changes.
World Scrap Metal Ltd (Contracting) Company operate a large modern fleet. These include Artics, Flatbeds and 4, 6 and 8 wheeler skip and Roll-o
n-off lorries. We are proud to say that our transport fleet changes every 4 years, this helps to minimize down time hence making sure our customers are not let down and also means we keep up with vehicle changes that help maintain the environment.

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