15KW Tarpulin Welding Machine


  • 15KW Tarpulin Welding Machine0
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US $5 000,00 / КГ
1,00 КГ
L/C, T/T
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15 день(ни).

Данные Товара

Model DXCW-SH-15KW

Output power 15KW

Voltage 3phase 380V

Frequency 27.12MHZ

Upper clamp 1000x250x35mm

Lower plate 1100x280x35mm

Welding area About 27,000 to 30,000mm2

Welding time 0-10s

Dimension 2650X1180X2100

Truck Cover Canvas/ Memb
rane structure
Advertising ink jet cloth /Tarpaulin tent ,Awning, parking shed
Large Swimming pool covers / Water tank

Machine overview and features
1. different welding area decide the different output power.  output power from 15 KW to 35KW
2. There is through designed specially for putting material conveniently.
3.The welding time can be adjusted according to different material and thickness.
4.machine equiped with current limiter , can help the worker find the most stable output power , and the current not over the setting parameter .
5.Auto tuning(output power) adjustor ( by button )
6.With laser placing

Optional items
1. Touch screen programmable HMI / PLC
2. Frequency Stabilizer

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