386 / 486 Ceramic CPU Pentium Pro CPU Ceramic CP

Metal Scrap Limited

  • 386 / 486 Ceramic CPU	 Pentium Pro CPU	 Ceramic CP0
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US $1 500,00 / Т
100,00 Т
25 день(ни).

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See our listed products below
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386 / 486 Ceramic CPU
Pentium Pro CPU
Ceramic CPU
AMD Ceramic CPU
K6/Aluminum-Cap Ceramic CPU
Black Plastic CPU
Plastic CPU
Metalcap Plastic CPU
Slot CPU
Gold RAM
Silver RAM
Circuit Boards
Grade 1++
Slot Board Middle Grade
Motherboard PIII and Older
Motherboard PIV and Newer
Grade 2
Grade 3 - Low Grade Circuit Boards
Item Price per pound Price per metric ton
ellphones without batteries
Cellphone Boards
Harddrive Board
Power Supply
Disk Drive
Ceramic Eprom
Plastic Eprom
Domestic P-3,
P-4 Mother Boards
Colored 775 Socket Mother Boards
Hard Drive Boards
Simm Memory (RAM gold only)
Printer Boards
Server Boards
Telecom Boards
Cable Box
C Card/Finger Boards
Cell Phone Boards
Whole Cell Phones w/o Batteries

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To Whomsoever it May Concern, 386 / 486 Ceramic CPU Pentium Pro CPU Ceramic CPU AMD Ceramic CPU K6/Aluminum-Cap...
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