A269 TP304/L 316/L Seamless Stainless Tubing

Ark Steel Tube

  • A269 TP304/L 316/L  Seamless Stainless Tubing0
  • A269 TP304/L 316/L  Seamless Stainless Tubing1
  • A269 TP304/L 316/L  Seamless Stainless Tubing2
  • A269 TP304/L 316/L  Seamless Stainless Tubing3
  • A269 TP304/L 316/L  Seamless Stainless Tubing4
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US $4,00 / КГ
1,00 КГ
25 день(ни).

Данные Товара

Size: 3/16, 1/4, 5/16, 3/8, 1/2" OD, 0.028, 0.035, 0.049" wall.

Grades: TP304/L/H, 316/L/Ti, TP309S, TP310S, TP321/H, TP317, TP347, 2205,2507, C276, Alloy 625/825, etc.

Stainless steel tubing is widely used in the instrumentation industry, automotive industry, oil and gas industry, chemical industry, aerospace industry, shipping industry, heater industry, hydraulic parts, boiler and heat exchanger, precision machinery, and other areas.

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Ark Steel Tube is a leading manufacturer and supplier of steel tube products, KWK STEEL is the subsidiary of Ark with ov...
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