carbon steel plate

Henan Anson Steel Co., Ltd

  • carbon steel plate0
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US $400,00 / КГ
50 000,00 КГ
L/C, T/T
30 день(ни).

Данные Товара

Carbon steel is an alloy consisting of iron and carbon. Several other elements are allowed in carbon steel, with low maximum percentages. These elements are manganese, with a 1.65% maximum, silicon, with a 0.60% maximum, and copper, with a 0.60% maximum. Other elements may be present in quantities too small to affect its properties.

There are four types of carbon steel based on the amount of carbon present in the alloy. Lower carbon steels are softer and more easily formed, and steels with a
higher carbon content are harder and stronger, but less ductile, and they become more difficult to machine and weld. Below are the properties of the grades of carbon steel we supply.
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With more than 18 years’ export experience, Henan Anson Steel Co., Ltd(ANSON) is one of the professional steel products ...
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