Zinc concentrate -EAF Dust processed 20-27% Zn

Diamant Trading Company

  • Zinc concentrate -EAF Dust  processed 20-27% Zn0
  • Zinc concentrate -EAF Dust  processed 20-27% Zn1
  • Zinc concentrate -EAF Dust  processed 20-27% Zn2
Наведите на изображение, чтобы его увеличить
US $180,00 / Т
5 000,00 Т
L/C, T/T, Cash, Other
Bulk, big bags
10 день(ни).

Данные Товара

Have for sale about 15.000 ton Zinc concentrate (EAF Dust procesed) 20-27 %Zn content.
Origin Romania Europe
Delivery 5.000 ton monthx12 contracts. Fob Constantza Romania
Delivery bulk or big bags 1 ton in containers 20 feet.Please only procesor finally have authorization Environment ,delivery for another company not is permited .
Delivery only Fob Constantza România or Exworks warehouse.

Подтверждающие Документы

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Деловые Данные

Sell Mill scale, copper content, manganese ore, Eaf Dust, Origin România Europe.
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