Electrical Steel Grain Oriented - Sell offer

Flash Steel power a.s

  • Electrical Steel Grain Oriented - Sell offer0
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20,00 Т
Seaworth Export packing
30 день(ни).

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Electrical Grain Oriented Steel & by other market expression is Silicon Steel or Magnetic Steel or Transformers Steel or crgo; used for the production of oil/dry distribution & power transformers as well as for the production of electrical generators, wind turbines motors, electric motors cores.

Flash Steel Power Czech Republic is an authorized marketing & selling office for ArcelorMittal Czech Republic production of Electrical Steel.

Our production range include th
ickness 0.23mm, 0.27mm, 0.30mm & 0.35mm, include wide range of power core losses, as master coils & slitted coils.

We are cooperating with many of transformers manufacturers & end users in several points worldwide as well as dealing with traders & warehouses.

Looking forward to your contact & please don't hesitate to communicate with us for any further details,

Best regards,
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Flash Steel power a.s tradition concurs the long term experience gained in the field of applied research , production & ...
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