GE XL-PMI+ Portable XRF Analyzer (GarangStore)

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  • GE XL-PMI+ Portable XRF Analyzer (GarangStore)0
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GARANGSTORE.COM, We specialize in exporting brand New Total Station, Spectrum analyzer, Thermal Imaging, XRF Analyzer, GPS/GNSS and Data Collector to our customers in countries all over the world.

NEW GE XL-PMI+ Portable XRF Analyzer
Price: USD 5,500.00

GE, a leader in inspection technologies, now offers the widest range of Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) solutions in the industry with Positive Material Identification (PMI) analyzers. Powered by Thermo Fisher Scientific, GE’s XL-PMI analyze
rs bring together the best of innovation and technology. Providing simplicity, accuracy and reliability all in seconds.
Our most versatile PMI analyzer offering the broadest scope of capability for material verification.

VIsit our link website: Войдите/Обновите Подписку, чтобы посмотреть контактные данные этого бизнеса. class="fnt-sm view-details" id="load-more">Смотреть Больше

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GARANGSTORE.COM, We specialize in exporting brand New Total Station, Spectrum analyzer, Thermal Imaging, XRF Analyzer, G...
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