good price good quality Fiber cement board

Foshan Kamchung Building Materials Co.,L

  • good price good quality Fiber cement board0
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US $5,20 / КГ
892,00 КГ
wooden pallet
14 день(ни).

Данные Товара

Fiber Cement Board
1. Introduction
Fiber cement board is another most widely used building material in China. It could be used as wall and floor panel both inside and outside buildings due to its better performance than calcium silicate board. With main ingredients of Portland cement, quartz powder, slaked lime and fiber, being processed with high pressure and high temperature, fiber cement board turns into a very strong panel with same structure of marble. Moreover, by the improvement of tech
nologies, we are able to produce it without any asbestos, which is really good for human health.
2. Application
Fiber cement board is good against water and heat, lighter than concrete but with high bending strength, thus good to be used for outdoor wall cladding, flooring, billboard, wall separation etc. It’s an ideal replacement of concrete.
(1). Durable
(2). Fireproof
(3). Insect-free
(4). Waterproof
(5). Easy installation
(6). Environment-friendly

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