Metal Scrap Recycling

Power Step Limited

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Данные Товара

Powerstep Recycling is active for 35 years in the recycling / trading / processing of the following scrap grades:

- Electric motor scrap
- Transformer scrap
- Ballast scrap
- Compressor scrap
- Meter scrap
- Shredded motor scrap
- Alucobond scrap
- Electronic / telecom scrap
- Cables scrap
- Shredder residues
- Automobile parts scrap / starter / alternator / ac compressor

And many other mixed scrap grades.

We are always searching for reliable business partners active in the re
cycling of above grades to start business collaboration.

Please provide more details about your company so we can try to start some business collaboration in the near future.

Whatsapp/Line/Wechat +639208914032
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Powerstep Recycling is active for 35 years in the recycling / trading / processing of the following scrap grades: - E...
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