nitinol shape memory alloy wires Super elastic

Baoji Highstar Titanium Metal Co.,Ltd

  • nitinol shape memory alloy wires Super elastic0
  • nitinol shape memory alloy wires Super elastic1
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US $50,00 / КГ
1,00 КГ
L/C, D/A, T/T, Cash, D/P(CAD), Other
Standard wooden box
7 день(ни).

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(1).About Nitinol wire

●How does nitinolwork?

Nitinol ShapeMemory Alloys undergo a phase transformation in their crystal structure whencooled from the stronger, high temperature from (Austenite) to the weaker, lowtemperature from (Martensite). This inherent phase transformation is the basisfor the unique properties of these alloys - in particular, Shape Memory and Superelasticity.

●Shape Memory

When shape memoryalloys are in their martensit
ic form, they are easily deformed to a new shape.However, when the alloy is heated through its transformation temperatures, itreverts to austenite and recovers its previous shape with great force. Thisprocess is knows as Shape Memory.

The temperature atwhich the alloy remembers its high temperature from when heated can be adjustedby slight changes in alloy composition and through heat treatment. In theNickel Titanium alloys, for instance, it can be changed from above +100 deg. Cto below -100 deg. C. The shape recovery process occurs over arange of just a fewdegrees and the start or finish of the transformation can be controlled towithin a degree or two if necessary.

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