on promotion non-asbestos Calcium Silicate Board

Foshan Kamchung Building Materials Co.,L

  • on promotion non-asbestos Calcium Silicate Board0
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US $4,50 / КГ
892,00 КГ
wooden pallet
14 день(ни).

Данные Товара

Calcium Silicate Board
1. Introduction
Calcium silicate board is a most widely used material in China due to its good performance and easy-processing feature. It is moisture proof and heat resistant, so it is commonly used for wall and ceiling to keep away humidity and to slow down the spread of fire. What is more, it can be cut, nailed and screwed, making installation much easier. Then labor cost could be reduced as well.
2. Application
Calcium silicate board is moisture proof and heat res
istant, strong and durable, thus commonly used as wall and ceiling for house, office, warehouse, shopping mall, residential complex etc.

3. Advantages
(1). Durable
(2). Insect-free
(3). Moisture proof
(4). Heat-insulated
(5). Easy installation
(6). Safe and Harmless

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