Printronix 257341-004 Printhead T2N Thermal Printh


  • Printronix 257341-004 Printhead T2N Thermal Printh0
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US $240,00 / КГ
1,00 КГ
Original In Box
5 день(ни).

Данные Товара

Printronix Printheads are engineered to optimize performance of your Printronix printer. Designed with easy to use snap-in feature for quick replacement to reduce downtime and are field upgradeable.
Printronix printhead replacement products offer quality, reliability and performance. The print head is a vital component of the printer that creates the image on the face of the media. Worn or damaged print heads should be replaced immediately. All Printronix printheads are easy to install and meet
the exacting engineering standards for continuous printer reliability and performance.

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