Propylene oxide Tank


  • Propylene oxide Tank0
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US $25 000,00 / КГ
11,00 КГ
T/T, Cash, Other
sea shipment
31 день(ни).

Данные Товара

We are manufacturer & Supplier of Propylene oxide tank, Propylene tanks, Propylene storage tank, Propylene transport tank, as per the requirement of customers.

We are Construct Storage & supplying Propylene Tank for Factories & Large Compound.
• We have qualified, experienced, and well trained professional to execute the task in a timely and professional manner. Our Engineer has Valuable technical & practical experience, attended number of training courses with certified c

Our planner will develop a project plan for ordering & installation process to help our team and other contractor which they have a relation with Propylene oxide Tanks . By this way it will benefit both of us to meet the target schedules and it will help to start the installation at the right time. Our company is specialized in custom designing and manufacturing Propylene oxide tanks.
Contact :
Propylene oxide Tanks
Address: B-23, mayanagari Building, Dapodi, Pune-411012.
Tel: 020-30686705
Fax: 020-30686723
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Our planner will develop a project plan for ordering & installation process to help our team and other contractor which ...
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