Steel Billet

Cv. Starindo Gemilang

  • Steel Billet0
Наведите на изображение, чтобы его увеличить
US $300,00 / Т
100,00 Т
L/C, D/A, T/T
loose packing.
10 день(ни).

Данные Товара

Dear Sir/Madam, (HS 720720)
We would like to offer: Steel Billets. Material: carbon steel. Form: square. Process: continuous casting. Size: 130mm x 130mm x 5800mm. Tolerance on length: +/-100 mm. Tolerance on section: +/-4mm. Bending is less than 12mm per meter length. Difference between the diagonals of any cross section is not greater than 8 mm. All billets free from crack, fissures, surface film, blow holes. Clear identification of heat number and grade of steel with non-dissolvable ink in e
ach billet. ISO 9001 certified. Product of Indonesia. Kindly contact for further details. Thank you.

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