Still mill roller

Tuba S.C.

  • Still mill roller0
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20' sea container - max 24 MT

Данные Товара

All chunks will be cut or smashed into pieces of about 700 kg as shown in the picture. Most of the material has iron interior with refined surface of about 2-4 cm. High content of chromium and nickel in the substance determines the value of the scrap.

Quantity: 1000 MT

If you have any questions regarding our offer, we'll try to reply as soon as possible.

e-mail: Войдите/Обновите Подписку, чтобы посмотреть контактные данные этого бизнеса.

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Деловые Данные

Tuba S.C. is a firm cooperating with five companies in South Poland, that collect scrap from all over the country and is...
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