Tantalum Bar

Titanium Manufacturer

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Brief introduction of tantanlum bar:
Войдите/Обновите Подписку, чтобы посмотреть контактные данные этого бизнеса. Tantalum bar belongs to tantalum product. The processing technology of tantalum bar is is similar to that of tantalum rod. Tantalum bar is produced from tantalum powder by sintering, forging, drawing and polishing.
Material: RO5200, RO5400, RO5252(Ta-2.5W), RO5255(Ta-10W)
Available size:¢4~¢120mm
Standard: As per ASTM B 365-98

Properties of tantalum bar:
Properties of tantalum bar is same as that of tan
talum rod, such as good strength and hardness, low density, light weight, high temperature resistance, low temperature resistance, good mechanical properties, excellent corrosion resistance and good heat transfer performance.
Войдите/Обновите Подписку, чтобы посмотреть контактные данные этого бизнеса. Applications of tantalum bar:
Titanium bars are popularly used in navigation, aerospace, vacuum salt making, automobile industry, medical and sports, papermaking, textile industry, electric power industry, metallurgical industry, fertilizer industry, seawater desalination industry. Tantalum bar is also used to produce watch shell, computer shell and spare parts.
Sanhui Co., Ltd can manufacture tantalum bars according to buyers’ requirements.

Table.1.Chemical composition:
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Who we are Zhengzhou Sanhui is onetitanium metals supplier .Titanium supplier-Zhengzhou Sanhui Co., Ltd has been deali...
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