Used Rail(R-50&R-65)_length:12m) _200,000Mmonthly

Soft Offer Of Thecopper Cathode(99.97%Min) Of

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US $210,00 / Т
200 000,00 Т
30 день(ни).

Данные Товара

Sale Used Rail(R-50&R65_length 12m) of 200,000MTX12month at 210USD per MT included 5USD per MT of buyer side commission with its payment terms of BG&LC at sight. seller has the copy of AQSIQ
any buyer send his ICPO with Buyer Bank informations and NCNDA+IMFPA signed, seller will send the SPA draft and NCNDA+IMFPA with counter signed
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Here is offer of the copper cathode of 500MT(trial) and 2000MT per monthx12month~100,000MT monthlyx12month...
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